AZAM Sarawak officers and board member, Alice Wee attended a meet the creative industry stakeholders session by FINAS at the FINAS Sarawak Branch on July 10, 2020.

At the function, among other things, the Chairman of FINAS, YBrs. Tuan Zakaria Abdul Hamid, had the opportunity to introduce a new member of the Corporation, namely YBhg. Dato ‘Norhyati Mohd Ismail who is also a board member of AZAM.

Dato’ Norhyati is also the Chairman of the Sarawak (film) Industry Development Committee. The event is also to brief local industry players on the latest facilities and immediate post covid19 assistance in terms of fund and facilities.

AZAM has been an active NGO in contributing to efforts in nurturing the creative industry (as a potentially high income economic activity) in the state including in films targeting particularly the youths. AZAM had co-organised a few young film makers’ capacity building activities with FINAS, AIFFA and local film making outfits over the past 5 years or so, focusing on themes such as “Content Creation – telling Sarawak’s stories” and “Turning Films into Business”. We hope to be able to play an even more active role in the coming years.