AZAM Toastmasters Club was established 29 years ago on August 1, 1994. AZAM Toastmasters Club trademark would be “ A Club Like No Other”. It is a club where anyone can practice their public speaking in their hometown.
AZAM educational meetings are usually held on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month physically at the AZAM Complex, Jalan Crookshank. The meeting usually starts at 7.30 pm.
Benefits of becoming the club member
- Improve your public speaking by giving speeches and taking the role in every meeting.
- Able to grow your communication and public speaking skills from the positive feedback from the members.
- Support and guidance from an experienced mentor to guide through the journey of becoming a wonderful toastmaster.
- Every member is given the chance to upgrade their skills by completing the pathways according to their own pace.
Club Meeting Roles
Every meeting, the members will volunteer to take a role as it is important to create an engaging and enjoyable educational meeting. There are nine roles in a meeting which are:
1] Ah Counter
- The purpose of this role is to take note of any overused or filler or crutch words during the meeting.
2] Grammarian
- This role will help the members to improve and enrich their grammar and vocabulary.
3] Timer
- This role will oversee the time management of the meeting.
4] Toastmaster of the Evening (TOE)
- A TOE is the host of the meeting and the TOE will come out with an interesting theme for the meeting.
5] Manual Speaker
- Every member has their specific pathway to be completed. Hence, everyone has the chance to become the manual speaker on the date and time that has been chosen by the manual speaker.
- The manual speaker is the source of inspiration to other members and learns from others’ speeches.
6] Table Topic Master
- The table topic master will come out with a phrase or a word that will become the member’s impromptu speech. This role improves organizational skills, time management and facilitation skills.
7] Table Topic Speaker
- The members and guests have the chance to enhance their impromptu public speaking by taking this role.
8] Evaluator
- This role will provide verbal and written feedback to manual speakers.
9] General Evaluator
- This role will oversee and evaluate the overall meeting of the day.
The Pathways
1] Dynamic Leadership
2]Effective Coaching
3]Engaging Humor
4]Innovative Planning
5]Leadership Development
6]Motivational Strategies
7]Persuasive Influence
8] Presentation Mastery
9]Strategic Relationships
10]Team Collaboration
11]Visionary Communication