With brick-and-mortar businesses forced to close during the movement control order (MCO), the business of selling and buying had to go online. On top of financial assistance through Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang, the Sarawak government was quick to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or sellers who, as MCO was extended through the Ramadan season, depended on the extra income from physical Ramadan bazaars by initiating an online platform — Bazar Rakyat Online Sarawakku Sayang.
Based on a 2011 census, Sarawak recorded 43,830 SME establishments operating mainly in services and manufacturing, representing 97.3 percent of the total business establishments in Sarawak, showing how vital it is to keep SMEs going. In addition, the Sarawak government also launched the Sarawak Productive programme, a series of webinars to create awareness of digital transformation for SMEs.
Read more: https://www.newsarawaktribune.com.my/from-brick-and-mortar-to-click-and-mortar/